Monday, June 9, 2008

Fun with Campers

I didn't post yesterday, shaaaame, shaaaame!!
It's all Cen and Alicia's fault, really. If they weren't so fun to party with I wouldn't have been at the Viper Pit for 3 hours last night.
The Ch'Know girls popped into group IM and announced they were having some fun with campers in the back of the Pit, now affectionately known as the Spiros. And this, my friends, is why you don't go AFK around us.

A quick peek into Spiro-on-the-right's profile showed a love of fake boobage, so Alicia was kind enough to give him a pair of his own. And yes, that is a blue-balled penis Alicia has seated herself on.

Then we decided our adventures with pornograpic prims ought to be immortalized with a group shot, so we piled onto Alicia and Cen's 6-person pose and cheesed it. I think we look good, don't you? Of course you do.

Pictured, from left: Kharisma, Aisuru, Sehra, Kellee, Alicia, and CeNedra.

Alas, our attention spans are not the greatest, and with the Spiros' unresponsiveness we eventually lost interest in piling prims on them. So instead we started piling prims on ourselves, donning our neko regalia, pets, poofers, and anything else lagtastic we could find.

Eventually we all wandered back off. Since I was still in photo-snappy mode I went to my favorite studio and snapped a few glamour shots, since my profile picture was so old I'm still blonde in it.

Now, off to get ready for Wednesday. Ciao!


Rylan Carling said...

That is awesome...I'm still laughing...poor campers, they'll never know! hehe

C said...


I gave the campers a copy of the picture, and when he/they woke up the declined my inventory offer :(

Kharisma Llewellyn said...

I dropped back by a bit later, just to see... they were still there. But while Spiro-on-the-left hadn't moved, Spiro-on-the-right had scooted out from underneath his decorations. I guess he didn't appreciate his very own pair of boobs. =O