Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Iz purty.

If only I were as good at keeping the RL family photos as up to date as my profile picture.

Since I haven't been able to make my mind up (and keep it made) about which skin I want to wear, my profile shot was about 3 skins out of date. So I went off to my usual studio and snapped a few shots. Then tinkered around in photoshop for a while, and this is what came out.

It kinda turned out way too pale, but otherwise I think it looks okay. =) And I had to edit my arm back in at one point where my boob was eating it so the tattoo is a little garbled. Shhhh.

OKAY. So Sai and Merrick told me last night about these in-world sculpty creators that would be much handier than Blender. And only costs L$4999. Yikes! But of course, as with most things...new toy, I WANT it. So I'm going to try and save my pennies for a bit. So starting now, no more hair shopping, impromtu ETD stops, Armidi sprees. I don't need anything more than what's in my inventory.

Riiiiight, we'll see how long this lasts.

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