Thursday, January 29, 2009

On the Fly

You know how I wrote last week about how I had found a house I loved, was going to get, was DEAD SET on? Um, the day before I was actually going to buy the damn thing I flipped out and went on a house hunt again and ended up getting something entirely different. Now granted, there were reasons I had second thoughts about the first house (the land I'm getting was a bit bigger in person than it seemed in pictures, and the little victorian would have looked like a doll house.) And I did find something I really love which I hadn't even seen before. So I guess it works out...but from now on maybe I should just do things on the fly and save myself the time and stress, since I obviously don't know what I really want.

However, I officially move into Bluebonnet tomorrow!! So I'll share pictures of the pretty house once I have it set up.


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