Saturday, January 3, 2009


There's one thing I can always count on my friends from the Ch'Know group for. They can make anything amusing. And they always find the most amusing people, as well.

Last night was destined to be another night of sitting at home sorting inventory (or working on a new project, which I will discuss in my next post) until the girls informed me they were at this new club talking to the most interesting of characters. So I headed over to see what the comotion was, and that's when I met Bill.

The first thing I noticed upon meeting Bill was his shoes... pointy like pizza slices, and blinging to high heaven. Billy buddy proudly informed us that his pizza shoes were real snakeskin (which led to the question of how he got real snakeskin into SL) and the conversation didn't improve from there. It was like talking to a brick wall... a horny brick wall. He was alternatingly nonsensical and arrogant. He was bald. And he uttered such gems as "my weapon ballsack."

Which just goes to will never meet weirdos like the ones you do in SL.

After Ballsack-of-doom Bill went on his way, Ali, Tristan, Nikki and I stalked Sehra back to her place, where we proceeded to run around in circles like a bunch of nuts for an hour. I swear, every outing with those girls is like Monty Python...the absurdly sublime. And I love them for it.

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