Monday, December 8, 2008

New Name?

Meet the new boss, same as the old boss...
(Pete Townshend)

I've decided to do something different with my blog. What exactly it will be, I've not yet decided.

When I decided to write Moonstruck I was very heavily into my RP-ing and wanted to chronicle it, but by the time I actually got around to starting the blog I was starting to get into different things. And after by extended absence I think I've pretty much finished my werewolf days in SL. That's not to say I won't dive back into it, but I doubt I'll want to do the same thing over again.

Which leaves me with the blog. I do want to continue it, but how do you blog about something you're not involved in?

For that reason, Moonstruck has recieved a facelift. A new layout, a new theme, and a new name. This is an in-progress transition if you can't tell. I still don't know exactly what I'm doing in SL at this point.

So in the meantime until I find something to focus my attentions on, that is exactly what I'll write about: everything, nothing, the meaning of life....whatever.

So there you have it -- Second Thoughts. ^^

1 comment:

C said...

Welcome Back

Sorry for the delay.